To those visiting our website:
Welcome to our new website. We hope it will provide you with some valuable insights into Masonry and Sutherland Lodge

To all of our Lodge brothers:
Welcome to our new website. Take some time to familiarize yourself with it. Its development provides a step towards accomplishing one of this years Lodge goals Following are the three goals we will be focusing on with some possible activities to help meet them.

Goal 1: Develop social activities as a means to appeal to all age brothers, involve families, inspire the building of camaraderie and brotherhood and raise attendance and participation.
Possible Activities
a. Establish a social committee for the purpose of developing activities that meet the above purposes and win the approval and support of lodge officer.
b. Consider joint activities with other lodges
c. Activities for (1) just brothers and (2) activities with wives and/or families
d. Save time after lodge meetings for social gathering.

Goal 2: Provide for events/activities which will develop greater knowledge of ritual and masonry in general.
Possible Activities
a. Ritual practice during lodge
b. Discovery reports
c. Ask new brothers to take steward positions
d. Support of Ritual Coordinator position
e. Attendance to other lodges ritual
f. Masonic Game Night Fun quizzes with prizes
g. Fill, define and support all officer positions
h. Develop comfort in trying while developing pride in ritual work by:
a. Appoint mentors to new officers
b. Set goal of at least on degree given with just our members
c. Set group landmarks for # missed words at opening and closing

Goal 3: Build community involvement and increase community knowledge of Lodge and Masonry in General
Possible Activities
a. Look for and list community involvement activities
b. Find ways to advertise lodge and masonry
c. Create Lodge Web site

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